About Me

I'm 33 and have been married since 2004. We were TTC for over 10 years and went through fertility treatment over 5 years. Unfortunately, I have endometriosis and adenomyosis but these havent been proven to be a cause to our infertility, we are in that huge black hole of 'unexplained'. In 2017, we decided on plan B and moved to Cornwall.

Sunday 5 September 2010


It kills me to have to write this post :o(  We went in for EC yesterday and all went well.  We had 9 eggs collected and agreed to aim for a blast transfer.........that was yesterday.

The call finally came this morning from the embryologist.....not good news, pretty much the worst news I could have imaginied.  Out of the 9 eggs, only 3 were mature....3 WTF????  They ICSI'd all 3 but on 1 fertilised....1 FFS!  I just cant believe this has happened.  I wasnt expecting miracles, but to only have 1 embryo is absolutely devastating.  I'm absolutely gutted.  It feels like it is all over before the 2ww has even begun.  They have said that our single embryo looks ok and they will ring with an update in the morn but tbh, I dont even think that one will survive....its just not meant to be :o(

1 comment:

  1. Karen,

    I had my treatment 3 years ago - I only got 7 eggs and only 3 fertalised and only 2 could be transfered. I had a bleed around day 10 on the 2WW - but I now have a 2.5 year old fast asleep upstairs. I only had one treatment, like you I had had ICI before. Please don't worry (easy for me to say I know) but you can do it with one. I am really keeping my fingers crossed that you get good news tomorrow.

    Claire xx
