About Me

I'm 33 and have been married since 2004. We were TTC for over 10 years and went through fertility treatment over 5 years. Unfortunately, I have endometriosis and adenomyosis but these havent been proven to be a cause to our infertility, we are in that huge black hole of 'unexplained'. In 2017, we decided on plan B and moved to Cornwall.

Friday 2 December 2011

Those blasted hormones....

....are driving me mad again :o(  I'm so incredibly up and down, I dont know what to do with myself and I know hubby is finding it really hard to understand.  I can go from feeling happy, grateful for the life I have and positive for the future, so really down, upset, angry and totally negative about everything, all in the space of a day :o(  My hormones just seem to run riot just after ovulation and there is nothing I can do to calm them down.  I just have to try my best to ride it out without anything too drastic being said/done as I know they will calm down after af and I will have a couple of weeks feeling reasonably balanced until it starts all over again.  I just feel so angry sometimes, I could scream until my lungs burst and throw anything to hand, preferably breakable.  It hurts so much that so many people around me are having babies without even thinking about it, which, dont get me wrong, it exactly how it should be, but I cant help but be angry that it isnt the same for me.  That I have to struggle, fight and put myself and dh through round after round of ivf with never any result at the end of all that pain :o(  Life just feels so incredibly unfair sometimes and I dont know how to accept or understand it.

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