About Me

I'm 33 and have been married since 2004. We were TTC for over 10 years and went through fertility treatment over 5 years. Unfortunately, I have endometriosis and adenomyosis but these havent been proven to be a cause to our infertility, we are in that huge black hole of 'unexplained'. In 2017, we decided on plan B and moved to Cornwall.

Thursday 4 October 2012

incredibly confused

I really don't know what to think or feel. One minute I'm all for trying again and going through one last ivf cycle but then i suddenly feel far too scared and would rather walk on hot coals than go through it all again. I know in many ways it is probably just fear that is making me doubt it all but i have such a strong feeling that it is never going to work, so why bother? It seems an incredibly large amount of money to spend on something that you feel is never going to work + i know that those thoughts alone are enough to stop it working anyway!? The tests results came back as expected, normal, whatever the hell that is? They don't give you anymore detail than that so I've no idea what our level of said normal is? I know it's good news that nothing is wrong but at the same time we are still left with no answers as to why the fcuk we can't get pregnant, let alone have any chance of a healthy pregnancy + baby. It is all just so hard to accept. We are a happily married couple who love each other very much, we have a good home, stable income + could offer all the love any child needs, so why us? Why are we the ones who have to struggle, go through this hell only to be heartbroken at the end once again. I know it's cliche + selfish but i can't help but ask WHY? I feel so lost + confused, my life plan was mapped out, i was happy, now it's all going wrong + i don't know who i am or who i am supposed to be anymore? I just want that happy ending everyone dreams of, why is that too much to ask for?

1 comment:

  1. I think If you don't go ahead, you'll be forever wondering (If you're anything like me) 'what if it had worked this time' Personally I'd sooner try & fail than to never know.
    It's heartbreaking that money has to play such a huge part in it, How can a price be put on something like human life?
    We have NHS funding for 2 cycles, & that scares me to death because there is no way we could pay for it ourselves if those 2 cycles come to nothing. I think it will destroy my wife, I somethimes wonder if its worth setting ourselves upto fail (It doesn't help that i'm a massive pessimist)

    I've come to the conclusion many times that, The happy endings you or I want & need only happen to the people who least deserve it.

    I wish you well, your blog has been a help to us
